Audience theory

Audience Theory

1) Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?

-->- This links to the hypodermic needle model as it suggests that video games brainwash people and influence them to do bad things in the real world. This is a crude theory from the 1920s that suggests the media injects information into the audience like a hypodermic needle and therefore can have a dangerous effect on us.Needle model in this article makes us feel as if its facts and isn't bias in any way which influences us to believe the information provided which will force a judgment to follow the daily emails opinion.

2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page? 

-->- They suggest that it was due to video games which lead to this incident and that it was purely based on the fact that he was isolated and ever left his room.Daily mail tries make the person who has hacked TalkTalk to be influenced by video games and this is the main cause of why he has hacked them. Also, they are trying to imply this child doesn't even leave his room and only socializes virtually and the games he plays for most of the time have led him to this action.

Two-step flow model

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today? 

--> The two-step flow model was developed in the 1940s because the hypodermic needle theory was considered too simplistic, assuming the audience consumed media without thinking. It suggests the audience is influenced by ‘opinion leaders’ in the media who mediate how the audience react to media texts. The theory suggests the media is not all-powerful and that social factors are important. People have gained their own idea upon certain issues and don't listen to leaders as they might feel different towards a certain idea and doesn't go along with their beliefs. overall, it's relevant today as it shows media isn't powerful as socializing could create a better understanding of things. 

2) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?

--> He has his own opinion on things and doesn't follow what everyone does. Also, it shows he's playing games without thinking what the effects could be on it and how it can mentally affect you.

3) How this Telegraph feature on Britain's most popular tweeters fit the two-step flow model? Do you think these accounts genuinely have an influence on their audience?

--> This accounts make you think in a different way as they are people who are looked upon in society. Some of these tweets influence people to do the things or thing in a different way as they either want to be like them or they've seen a different view. 

4) Read this BBC profile of Jamal Edwards. How does Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model?

-->This links to the two-step flow as the opinion leaders judge urban areas and try influence, everyone, to think they're bad people with no respect. Whereas Jamal Edwards proved them wrong by showing it doesn't matter where you're from and that you pick your own path and to chase your dream as opinion leaders show people to have a lack of motivation.

Uses and Gratifications theory

1) For each of the four categories, write about one media text that fits that particular audience use or pleasure. Make sure you explain WHY it fits the category and use images or clips to illustrate your points.

Personal Relationships: 
Personal Identity: 

Dependency theory

1) Do you agree that audiences have become dependent on the media? What evidence or examples can you provide to support your view?

-->I think that the audience have become dependent on the media due to the fact that it is where we get most of our information and knowledge from nowadays for example the news. Even though the news may be misleading we still tend to believe what it tells us as it is what we depend on to gain information and understanding.

2) How has the growth of new and digital technology in the last 15 years changed people's dependency on the media? Is this a new problem?

--> This has increased peoples dependency on the media as the media hold everything we need in life as technology has become more advanced. We use the media to contact people, gain information and also for our own entertainment and it is sort of an escape from reality to us. So I guess this is a yes and no answer as it isn't a problem because lots of things have begun to get recognized, such as mental illness is more widely known as it been a massive thing in the environment because it's gaining more exposure and people who have it are getting treated. On the other hand, it isn't as it could influence terrorism and draw venerable people into criminal activity as there's multiple platforms to approach people to encourage them to become terrorists

3) Reflecting on your own media use, how does your media consumption impact on your emotions? Does the media have an overall positive or negative impact on your health and wellbeing? Why?

--> My media consumption has a negative impact on my health and wellbeing as I use it more than I communicate in the real word which suggests the fact that the media is an escape from reality and it brainwashes us.


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