
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Cultural Industries

The Cultural Industries Read the Factsheet and complete the following questions/tasks: 1) What does the term 'Cultural Industries' actually refer to? -->  Cultural industry refers to the creation, production and distribution of products of a cultural or artistic nature. 2) What does Hesmondhalgh identify regarding the societies in which the cultural industries are highly profitable? --> Cultural Industries is seen as adding value to society and individuals, as they focus on intellectual property and are knowledge-based and require a large number of people in their production which will, therefore, create employment and wealth. They are also highly profitable as they tend to be societies that support the conditions where large companies, and their political allies make money.  Hesmondhalgh discusses the effect of the cultural industries on audiences and he identifies that the societies with more profitable cultural industries, tend to be controlled b...

Notes for Ownership and Control

Conglomerate ownership A conglomerate is a large company composed of a number of smaller companies (subsidiaries). A media conglomerate, or media group, is a company that owns numerous companies involved in creating mass media products such as print, television, radio, movies or online. Examples include Comcast, 21st Century Fox or Disney. Vertical integration Vertical integration is when a media company owns a range of businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.  For example, a company might own the film studio that makes a film, the distributors that sell it to cinemas and then the movie channel that premieres it on TV. Vertical integration allows companies to reduce costs and increase profits – but it is not always successful if the parent company lacks expertise in certain areas. Horizontal integration Horizontal integration is when a media company owns a range of different media companies that are largely unrelated e.g. magazines, radio ...

Industries: Ownership and Control

Industries: Ownership and control blog task Create a new blogpost called 'Ownership and control' and complete the following tasks: 1) Type up your research notes from the lesson - what did you find out about your allocated media conglomerate? Selection of companies: Alphabet,  The Walt Disney Company,  Comcast,  21st Century Fox,  Facebook,  Viacom,  News Corp,  Time Warner. If you were absent or don't have the notes, research any of the companies above and find examples of all the terminology outlined in the notes at the start of this blogpost.  -->THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY. Best known: Channel, Theme parks, animated characters and shows. Vertical Integration:  Walt Disney, Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel Studios, and Lucasfilm Ltd. Horizontal integration: ABC Owned television and ESPN Synergy: Disney Store, toys, press and publisher Diversifcation: Internet Group, ESPN Cross Media Integratio...

Media Regulation

MEDIA REGULATION 1) What is regulation and why do media industries need to be regulated? --> Regulation is a set of rules provided to ensure that organisations operate fairly. In the media industry, there are several regulatory bodies that exist to monitor the way that their industries work. Broadcast media(TV and Radio) are regulated by OFCOM- the Office of Communication and the advertising industry is regulated by Advertising Standards Authority. . 2) What is OFCOM responsible for? --> OFCOM is responisble for the regulations of television, radio, telephone services and some aspects of the internet. Most relevant are TV and Radio. 3) Look at the section on the OFCOM broadcasting code. Which do you think are the three most important sections of the broadcasting code and why? --> One of the most important broadcasting code I think is Protecting the under-eighteens. This is because young people are very vunerable and can easily be ...

Audience theory 2

Audience theory 2: blog task Create a new blogpost called 'Audience theory 2 - blog tasks' and answer the following questions: 1) Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence? —>  Personally, I believe that the media are responsible to a certain extent as they do change the way we act in scenarios which is supported by Bandura's experiments. However, they also depend on the person and how they are as an individual. Anti-social behaviour is because of media because it allows young people not to interact with other there age and make friends because they are so tied into doing there own thing such as watching Netflix or catching on shows. 2) How is social learning theory relevant in the digital age? Are young people now learning behaviour from social media and the internet? Give examples. —>  I think that young people are learning how to beha...