Reception Theory

Reception Theory

Dominant, Preferred or Hegemonic Reading:
The preferred reading would be that the audience would be that Reebok are using a successful rapper 50 cent to promote their brand. Since they are doing this they will have an increase in sales and therefore become more popular.

The Negotiated Reading:
The negotiated reading is that Reebok has chosen to dress 50 Cent in a hat, chains and a vest which is normally associated with gangs and violence. However, the audience could read this is he came from gangs and crime but he still bettered his life, and that anyone can improve their lifestyle by using products from Reebok. 

The Oppositional Reading:
An oppositional reading is the way that the image is portrayed. The use of hats, chains, vests and criminal fingerprints could suggest that Reebok are encouraging criminal activities and promoting their products to people who are in gangs.


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