
Choose 5 brands. For EACH brand:

1) Sum up the brand values in 100 words, making reference to Dyer’s lines of appeal.

2) Distil the brand values into one sentence of no more than 10 words. 
3) Sum up the brand in ONE word.

1. Fenty Beauty: Fenty Beauty is a unique makeup brand that Rihanna released in September 2017. It was very popular because it was the first ever make-up brand to release 40 shades of foundation all at once. This made it very popular to all types of people. It was presented in a simple a yet attractive way to get the attention of not only females but male audiences as well. Rihanna created a foundation that suited every skin tone. She focused a lot on the darker skin people due to the fact that they have limited resources compared to lighter toned people which allowed it to become successful. Fenty beauty can fit into the lines of appeal that Dyer talks about: Beautiful women- Fenty enhances the beauty of women and men, 
2. Fenty Beauty is a brand that is meant for everyone.

1.Addidas: The Addidas brand is as successful as brands it sells all types of sportswear and has a wide audience target. Their clothes are meant for both genders. Addidas fit into many of lines of appeal given by Dyer: Successful careers, they are a global company and have a net worth of about 12 billion. Also, self-importance and pride, Addidas take a lot of pride in the things they sell and their whole company.Addidas is a very popular company it has a lot of competition and yet stays ahead of most of them and are in the top 3 brands for sports. Addidas merchandise lasts for a long time showing they take pride in the type of material they use.
2. Addidas is a brand that sells their clothes with style.
3. Fashionable.

1. Nike: Nike's brand image is centred around high quality sports equipment that are perceived as being fashionable and stylish in order to suit customer needs. They want to come across as being versatile which in my opinion is probably the reason why they have ventured out to design different items for example trainers. Nike fit into several of Dyer’s lines of appeal: Happy families - everyone wants to belong, which is probably the reason why Nike have different boots that vary from less real to the professional boots that football players wear. Having a real pair of boots makes people feel as if they are just as good as those who are playing the sport within a profession environment could also link to elite people or experts.
2.The Nike brand is about diversity for all retail clients

1.Apple: Apple's brand image is clever because they make aim to make simplistic products that have top of the range technology within their market. Apple makes it seem as if each of their products makes them feel unique, which is linked to self-importance & pride, but in reality, their customers are far from different. They all have the same devices which they link to rich, luxurious lifestyles that just have different models but function exactly the same. The Apple brand also links to successful careers as most of their customers are people who are constantly on the move. Their intuitive design allows their customer to stay connected to the world wide web 24 hours - continuously around the clock. 
2.The Apple brand is about ensuring quality products for customers

1. McDonald's: McDonald's is a fast food restaurant that aims to provide quick and enjoyable food in a short space of time. McDonald's would fall into Dyer's theory under Happy Families as they aim to provide food for the whole family for a low price. Their opinion if drive-thur also allows them to fall into this category as the opinion and availability for people to quickly pick up food without the need to leave their car quickly to take home to their family. They could also fall under nature and the natural world category as there are multiple scandals and conspiracies about the healthiness of McDonald's food. McDonald's can also go with Happy families because it is where families go for dinner and enjoy themselves.
2.McDonald's is about providing fast and enjoyable food.
3. Delicious
Extension task:

Research Innocent drinks

What brand values would you associate with Innocent? Why might their takeover by Coca-Cola threaten those brand values?
-->Innicents is a healthy drink company. it sells smoothies for those who want to healthy. If Coca-Cola takeover the number of sells will decrease because it will not be seen as a healthy brand because coca-cola is an unhealthy brand people will have the judgment that coca-cola will make the drinks of innocent unhealthy.

Does your opinion of the brand change once you know they are owned by Coca-Cola?
Yes, because Coca-Cola will change the reciepe so that there drinks can be sold ot everyone. Therefore, more sweeterners which defeats the point of why innocents was created.


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