Representation 2

Read the Media Magazine feature 'Representation old and new'. This is in MM51 on page 6 - go to our Media Magazine archive to find the article. Complete the following tasks:

1) Why is representation an important concept in Media Studies?
Representation is important in media studies because it is a process which the media presents the 'real world' to an audience and the various ways it portrays this through dominant and alternative ways.

2) How does the example of Kate Middleton show the way different meanings can be created in the media?
Through the simple picture of the paparazzi took of Kate Middleton can cause many different meaning through media. Her actions, location, facial expressions and clothes are all used in the media as a scapegoat to label and portray her in a certain way which maybe be incorrect and create a negative portrayal of her.

3) Summarise the section 'The how, who and why of media representation' in 50 words.

4) How does Stuart Hall's theory of preferred and oppositional readings fit with representation?
The preferred reading represents and reinforces a certain stereotype about something or someone. Whereas a oppositional reading would challenge this stereotype and create an alternative representation. An example of this would be "Not all young teenagers are involved with anti social behaviour".

5) How has new technology changed the way representations are created in the media?
Since new technology has changed and evolved people are now able to share and create media products of their own. This has caused a rise in 'fake news' where a lot of news is being reported incorrectly and then therefore creates a false and negative representation of something. However this advance in technology also allows people to express their feelings on a certain topic and allow them to openly speak about them on the internet.

6) What example if provided of how national identity is represented in Britain - and how some audiences use social media to challenge this?
Youtuber 'KSI' is a good example of an identity which is represented in social media. He appeals to his young audience as a 'comedian' and 'normal person'. However his strong fanbase has led him to becoming an opinion leader which people would follow and potentially agree with due to him being an 'idol'.

Dyer: Stereotyping and Power
Dyer's theory can be applied very easily to this Taken trailer. For starters the main protagonist of this film is a while american who attempts to save his daughter whereas the villains are the Eastern Europeans. Secondly women are presented as weak and powerless in this trailer as they are shown to be extensively crying and hopeless.

Medhurst: Value Judgements
Medhurst suggests that stereotypes create short term identifications to the audience which allows them to make judgments during a short space of time. However this can continue and have long term valued judgments which may be negative and incorrect. In this trailer the audience can apply this theory to see who is the main protagonist and villians. At the start of the trailer the audience is able to identify the main protagonist due to the amount of screen time authority given to him. The villains are also easily identified as they are from a minority group which hints to the audience that they are possibly the villains.

Perkins: Some stereotypes can be positive or true
A positive stereotype which is shown in this trailer would be with the protagonist and his daughter as it reinforces the stereotype of fathers being overprotected and going to the extremes to protect their children.

Mulvey: The Male Gaze
This theory is also easily applied to this Taken trailer as the women represented in this film are shown to be sexualised and presented in a weak way. This follows the belief that the dominant view in the media is masculine and created for the benefits of men.

Levi-Strauss: Representation and Ideology
This theory suggest that representations in the media are informed by ideology and set of beliefs of the producer of the media text. The ideology of this directors could reflect the belief of 'Americans loving war' or the belief that 'A father will go to any extents for his daughter".


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