Ideology: BBC Question Time analysis and binary opposition

Blog task: binary oppositions and ideology

Watch this clip from BBC Question Time with Russell Brand and Nigel Farage. The BBC deliberately placed the two against each other and the episode resulted in far more people watching and tweeting than usual.

1) What examples of binary opposition can you suggest from watching this clip?
There are many examples of binary opposition in this clip. Examples include Left wing VS Right wing and Immigration VS No immigration with Brand being very left wing and supporting immigration and the lower class whereas Farage was against immigration because he believed it was getting too out of hand. 

There was even binary opposition in the way the two were dressed. Brand was dressed in a more laid back fashion than Farage with his shirt open, whereas Farage was wearing a suit and tie. This could represent Rich VS Poor and Lower class VS Upper class.

2) What ideologies are on display in this clip?
Brand was clear and confident on his ideology that immigrants are not causing a problem in society but they are, in fact, helping the economy. He blamed any problems in Britain on the extremely rich people and businesses in society who are avoiding paying tax, which is consequently causing problems in society.

Farage has a completely opposite view from Brand. He believes that if we don't limit immigration there will be disaster. There will be a shortage of jobs, housing and space which would ruin Britain. He believes that limiting immigration would solve all these problems.

Now do the same activity for a clip of your choice. Embed the YouTube video in your blog and answer the questions in detail:


1) What examples of binary opposition can you suggest from watching your clip?

Women VS Men
Those in authority VS Normal people

2) What ideologies are on display in your clip?
The idea that women should only be there as dutiful housewives to their husbands and work in domestic jobs (like sewing as shown in the trailer) is the dominant ideology in the clip. However, as the trailer progresses, this dominant ideology is being challenged by the women themselves- they are standing up for their rights and rebelling against the unfair ideology. By the end of the movie, a new ideology is formed, where women have the right to vote and are, therefore, more respected in society.


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