Magazines: Men's Health - Representation reading

Representation and Men's Health: blog task

Create a blogpost called 'Men's Health - Representation'. Read these extracts from the journal article exploring the representation of masculinity in Men's Health magazine and answer the following questions:

1) Why is Men's Health defined as a 'lifestyle magazine'?
- Men's Health is defined as a lifestyle magazine because it clearly shows that it promotes more then just a healthy and fit lifestyle. It doesnt only allow the readers to become physically fit but to  also feel good as well. This is done through advertising different types of topics. For example, nutrition, technology, fashion, relationships, finance and travel. Therefore, allowing them to live the life style that match there physical change they will make.

2) Why is advertising significant in helping to shape masculine identity.
- Men’s health advertising is significant because it helps people who are trying to get fit find different ways that suit them. By advertising different products they are giving them a wide variety to choose from. Furthermore, test out if it works for them. Advertising,helps promote the company and give them a wider audience; due to the fact that the audience from the conglomerate market will be interest and subscribe to Men's Health.

3) The article suggests that the representation of masculinity in Men's Health is not fixed or natural and is subject to constant change. What media theorists that we have studied previously can be linked to these ideas?
- The media theorist you could link to this is David Gauntlett, This is because he talks about masculinity in crisis; which it isn't because this article clearly describes men and shows them as very traditional. The way Vin Diesel is posed is very intimidating which is characteristics of a man. They are seen as a strong figure and dominants society.

4) What does the article suggest Men's Health encourages its readers to be? What examples and statistics are provided to develop the idea of men as consumers?
-Mens health encourages its readers to be aspired by what they see and want them make a change. This is done by advertising, and because they have the motivation to aspire to get a certain body image they wont stop until they achieve this goal. It also encourages its readers to be successors there working hard to get what they want. furthermore, it motivates them to achieve it.

5) What representations of the male body can be found in Men's Health?
- The representation of the male body can be found through the cover image of Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel’s is the representation of a traditional male perspective of how men should look.
Another representation with Vin Diesel is that it reinforces Barthes notion of a Myth. Barthe talked about how myths naturalise certain narratives of history and meaning. He contends that “Myth has the task of giving a historical intention a natural justification and making contingency appear eternal.” Through the dominant presence of the current gender rhetoric, that men are strong and should look a certain way, Men’s health care s contriving and maintaining the idea that men must look a certain way. It also contributes to the idea of gender representations.

6) What does the article suggest regarding the objectification of men?
- The article suggests that the objectification of men is not true due to the fact they have been protrayed as very dominant and hyper masculinity  which is defined by there physical strength and dominance over women.
However they can be objectified by women as they might sexualise the image of Vin Diesel and use it for visual pleasure

7) What is 'metrosexuality' and how can it be applied to Men's Health?
- Meterosexuality is the idea that a men cares a lot about appearance and spends a lot of time grooming himself so that he is able to feel and look good in public eye. Men’s health definitely promotes a metreosexual lifestyle. This is because they don’t only promote how to become fit and healthy, but they give people

8) What representation of men in Men's Health is discussed in the section 'Homogenous bodies'?
Vin diesel body is extremely well built, this defines him as a homogeneous body. The muscle texture is large. This results in him giving visual pleasure  and women then receive these signals as sexually appealing and date him. Hence why he gets the attention of a lot of women

9) What are the conclusions drawn by the article with regards to the representation of masculinity in Men's Health?
- The conclusions drawn from the article about representation is that it is a myth. This was put forward by Barthes. This shows that giving a certain representation of a male is redeeming men adn putting them in box which they have to from to be viewed as male.

10) What is your own view of the representation of masculinity in Men's Health? Is it a positive representation that encourages men to the best they can be or is it a hyper masculine, consumer-driven representation designed to undermine men's confidence and objectify their bodies?
-Personally i believe that the portrayal of men in the Mens Health Magazine is hyper masculine. The physical and sexual appeal shown is the magazine is one that is too high to achieve. These portrayals is them what is used when forming societal ideals and expectations. This representation is not only negative in terms of making communities encourage one another but it is also demeaning to men in terms of there pride both mentally and emotionally. 


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