PPE Learner Response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
37/84 --Grade D
--> Go over TV; Capital and Deutschland 83 
--> Do not be to explicit in your writing and over exggerate. Rephrase your writing to make it less bias; EG MTV not racist but instead it only liked to play a certain type of genre whe it came to there music.
--> Go over Music videos and throughly learn the context and theorist linked so that my writing has more substance.

2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. Identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:

Q1 additional point/theory:

--> One point I have added is Propp Character roles and personal believe that I have gone into detail in that paragraph. I talked about the villain and hero and how it is represented in the Figure presented to us.
One point i should have included was Intertextuality. This is because i could have written a lot about this and  gone into detail gaining me higher marks in the question.

Q2 additional point/theory/CSP reference: 

-->One Point i added was Gelfer's 5 stages of masculinity and how Figure 1 represents Stage 1 of masculinity. Furthermore, I wrote about Hegemonic masculinity and how Man's Life represents traditional life.
For Maybelline, I wrote about gender fluidity and how it would be stage 5 in masculinity. How it also represents modern society.

Q3 additional point/theory/CSP reference:

--> One point I added was that Billie jean Michael Jackson i wrote about how MTV was a predominantly white and represented Rock music rather then pop. For Common Letter to the Free I wrote about Gilroy Diasporaic Identity and Dyson hip hop view. I feel like I should have included Black Lives Matter and how it is represented in Common Letter to the Free.

3) Section B requires you to write extended essays with 35 minutes and 5-7 well-developed paragraphs per question (excluding introduction and conclusion). Count the number of paragraphs you wrote for each question in Section B excluding your introduction/conclusion:

Q6 number of paragraphs: 2

Q7 number of paragraphs: 4

4) Question 6 (TV industry) was arguably the hardest question on the exam. Write a new paragraph that answers the question referring to either Capital or Deutschland 83 and the global TV industry. Use the indicative content in the mark scheme to help you.

--> The TV industry seems to be involved more through new and digital media. They are able to stream online and view videos and programmes fro free. This can be done through YouTube and Netflix and Amazon Prime. This allows people to keep up to date with the latest shows and videos. This is what most young audiences 

5) Question 7 was a synoptic question that rewarded your ability to cover all four key concepts of Media. Write a new paragraph for this essay using the indicative content in the mark scheme to help you
--> Commons Letter to the Free had a strong historical significance as it referred to the legislation in America. This can be seen when Common refers to 'Amendment 13' . This reflects the fight of Black Lives Matters because they use this amendment to reflect how people should be treated in prison and how that reflected slavery and they are finding different ways to bring it back.


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