Blog task 1: The impact of Google

Blog task 1: The impact of Google

Read this article looking at the impact Google has had on the traditional newspaper business.

Answer the following questions:

1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?

--> Google has lead to the decline of other newspapers because it gives out the news for free rather the audience paying for it. Google have links to billions of news websites allowing there to be easy access to it 

2) Find a statistic from the article that illustrates the decline of traditional news media.

--> A statistic from the articles that shows the decline of traditional new media is: In the past decade newspapers have lost a revenue of $40 billion which is about 60 percent of the revenue.

3) Looking at the graph featured in the article, what period has seen the steepest decline in newspaper advertising revenue? 


4) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
--> I agree to some extent that Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists do their jobs because many people have become accustomed to the research and getting their stories

5) Read the comments below the article. Pick one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and explain your response to the comments in detail.

--> Obviously, Google is not to blame. I don’t think it’s about blame. I think the Internet is incredibly poorly designed. Rather than being free, everything on it should cost something in order to compensate creators. We have a proven system for doing this through organizations like ASCAP and BMI. The principal of royalties for profiting from the content of others is well established. Google came along, and, at least in the case of Youtube, knowingly robbed content creators for years in order to build up the business. The ideal system would be one in which every click resulted in a nano-charge on your phone bill, maybe 1/1000 of a cent for a news story, for example. Sites like Google that link to other sites could also pay in very tiny increments.

I agree that google is not blame because it gives out the most important infomartion needed for people and it gives it at a rate that is quick and easily accessible which I think is right. Google operates a website that help people gain a lot of links to a topic they need to research or find out about. hence if people want to find out about the news eaisly and quickly google is the easiest


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