OfCOM report into news consumption 2018

Ofcom report into news consumption 2018

Now read this Ofcom 2018 report on the consumption of news in the UK. Note down the key statistics and changes that Ofcom highlight and answer the following questions:

1) Look at the key findings from the report on page 2. How do UK adults generally get their news? 

--> UK adults usually get there news from the TV nowadays by UK adults (79%).

2) Read the overall summary on page 8. How popular are newspapers as a news source? How does this compare to other news sources?
--> Newspaper are only used by the older generation than other news sources like from the internet which is mostly used by younger generations in the ABC1 category 16-24 year olds.

3) Look at the summary of platforms used on page 13. What audience demographic groups are most and least likely to read newspapers?
--> The audience demographic most likely to read newspapers are those aged 65+ and 16-24 years old would generally be the ones who are likely to read newspapers.

4) Read Section 3 on cross-platform news consumption (page 19). What newspaper brands can you find in the list of most popular news sources across platforms?#
--> BBc one
--> Sky news
--> Facebook#
--> ITV
--> BBC new channel
-->BBC website

5) Now turn to Section 6 focusing on newspapers (page 38). How has the circulation of national newspapers decreased since 2003?
--> The circulation has dcreased from 30 million to12.4 million in 2017 and national sunday titles are also being read less from 13.3 million to 7 million.

6) What are the most-used newspaper titles?
--> The Metro, Daily Mail, The Sun and the mail on Sunday.

7) What newspaper are 65+ people more likely to read?
--> They are more likely to read the daily mail

8) What are the most popular titles when print and online figures are combined (look at page 41)?

--> When these are combined the most popular is The Guardian.

9) How does the i compare to the Daily Mail?

--> The daily mail is far more popular than the 'i' newspaper as it has a bigger readership. 

10) Look at page 42. What percentage of newspaper users used free newspapers such as Metro in the UK in 2018 ('freesheets')?

--> 23% used the metro and total of 26% used free sheets.

11) Now study the demographic details for our two CSP newspapers on page 44. What is the breakdown of the Daily Mail audience?

--> The breakdown audience are the ones aged 16-24 years olds.

12) What is the breakdown for the audience?

--> Female audience is the breakdown fro the 'i' newspaper.

13) Look at the summary on page 46: news consumption via social media. What audience groups are using social media for their news and what sites do they use?
--> 16-24 years old are likely to use social media for their news rather than 65 years olds and this is Facebook, Instagram and Whats app.

14) What does this report tell us about the decline of the traditional newspaper industry in the UK?

--> This report tells us thatnow newspapers are only being read physically by the older generation and the fact that traditional newspaper industry is not as popular as it was because of the rise in new and digital media and other news organisations taking they companies to the internet. Hence, there being a rise in the amount of comapnies using social media and the internet to increase there revenue.

15) How can media institutions such as the Daily Mail and the remain relevant and profitable in the digital media landscape?

--> The daily mail and 'i' can remain profitable if they set up paywalls through the internet so then they make some revenue if the audience will likes their newspapers so much and are accustomed to them. They can also make their own apps and social media pages on Instagram and Face back and Snap chat so that they can reach a larger audience.


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