Daily Mail case study

Daily Mail case study: Blog tasks

Work through the following tasks to complete your case study on the Daily Mail and specifically the 21 September edition of the newspaper. 

Daily Mail analysis: Friday 21 September

Use your notes from the lesson to answer the following questions.

1) What are the front page stories on the 21 September edition of the Daily Mail?

--> The first story if the front page is the about the Royal family; Megan Markle and her mother. The second story is about Theresa May's embarrassing encounter with the EU, They disagreed with her plans about leaving the EU.

2) From your analysis in class, what other stories and topics are covered in this edition of the Daily Mail?


3) Media language: Write an analysis of the construction of the Daily Mail homepage: Page design, font, text, images, conventions, hard news/soft news, news values etc.

--> The Font is serif which is seen to be very traditional whichis represneted since the dialy mail is right wing.
Images of Megan markle  shows how the daily mail value the monarchy and how the Daily mail reflect the ideologies and values of right wing politcs. 
There is both hard and soft news- The monarchy been seen as soft news and the story of Theresa May being seen as hard news.
The news value being included is fimilarity as people would relate to both sotryies because it about Britain.

4) Narrative: How is narrative used in this edition of the Daily Mail? Look at the selection of news: is there an ongoing narrative? How is narrative created by the paper to engage an audience?
--> Theresa May's Brexit negotiations are ongoing hence how the audience are able to relate to the story.
Megan and Doria - first names are used gives a sense of relationship and fimilarity between the daily mail and the royal family. 

5) Representations: Are any stereotypes reinforced? Is the audience positioned to respond to the stories in a certain way? You should focus on the Brexit and NHS stories (front page, p6-7, p10) as a minimum here.

--> Megan Markle is black women on the cover- this is not seen regularly also inconvenient for the daily mail to publish a story like this.
--> May being seen as tough and being given male description. Trying ot say she is built like a man.

Add additional notes from class here for future revision. Remember, you will need to write in detail about specific stories from this edition of the Daily Mail and how these stories are constructed to appeal to the Daily Mail readership.

Factsheet 175 - Case Study: The Daily Mail (Part 1)

Read Media Factsheet 175: Case Study: The Daily Mail (Part 1) and complete the following questions/tasks. Our Media Factsheet archive is on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets

1) What is the history of the Daily Mail?

--> The daily mail was established in 1896 by Alfred Harmsworth 1st Viscount Northcliffe and he was responsible of the rise of the popular press. The paper reflected societal changes for a more stable society for example keeping prices low and independent from political control. This was based in the American style of reporting and was more concise and populist in tone. The practices Harmsworth used are acknowledged to have shaped the modern press and remain fundamental within the popular press. The daily mail audience was intended to be female and offers feature specified for women.

2) What news content features in the Daily Mail?

--> The features in the daily mail are mainly aimed at women- the stories included are about health, family, fashion and celebrity focus.

3) What is the Daily Mail’s mode of address?

--> The mode of address is a method of creating a relationship between the producer and the audience. For print media, we consider the use of textual features. It is influenced by the genre of the media product, so the way a real life even. The daily mail is aimed at women so the language is more likely to appeal to the preferred female audience. THe dominant readership is 65+ in the demographics.

4) What techniques of persuasion does the Daily Mail use to attract and retain readers?

The techniques used are persuasion to establish a consensus in the line with political social ideologies. They are subtle and will attempt to stir emotion of the consumer to prompt consensus. There are 3 techniques Practical, Emotional and Associations
Practical--> Bribery, offering rewards, newness, longevity evoking nostalgia inexpensive offering things lower priced, luxury allowing consumer to feel rich with abundant content.
Emotional--> Exaggeration or hyperbole, repetition, comforting, fear and humour.
Associations--> celebrity endorsement and experts advice to convince consumers.

5) What is the Daily Mail’s editorial stance?
--> The Daily Mail's editorial stance is very right-wing and conservative. They support conservatives in all elections and the Daily Mail is the second most popular paper after the Sun. Hence the reason they have the strongest influence on the public.

6) Read this YouGov article on British newspapers and their political stance. Where does the Daily Mail fit in the overall picture of UK newspapers? 

--> The Daily Mail's editorial stance is very right-wing and conservative. They support conservatives in all elections and the Daily Mail is the second most popular paper after the Sun. Hence the reason they have the strongest influence on the public.

7) What is the Daily Mail’s view of the BBC? What are the possible reasons for this?

--> The daily mail is critical of the BBc as it is ee tobe mainly left wing and it is pro Brexit supporting traditional British people.

8) What controversies have followed Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn? You will need to research this beyond the factsheet.


Factsheet 177 - Case Study: The Daily Mail (Part 2)

Now read Media Factsheet 177: Case Study: The Daily Mail (Part 2) and complete the following questions/tasks.

1) How did the launch of the Daily Mail change the UK newspaper industry?
The revenue was raised and carefully targeted  marketing developed national distribution on a larger scale than previously existed. The news were also presented in shorter articles and had clear headlines.

2) What is the inverted pyramid of journalism and why was it important in the way the Daily Mail presented news?
It offered effective communications of the product and  increased popularity of the newspaper as a new style of journalism was being engaged with by the lower middle classes. 

3) What company owns the Daily Mail? What other newspapers, websites and brands do they own?
The company that owns the daily mail is the British media company called the Daily mail General Trust plc which manages entrepreneurial companies and has revenues of almost 1.5 billion.

4) Between 1992 and 2018 the Daily Mail editor was Paul Dacre. What does the extract from Dacre’s speech on the freedom of the press tell us about his ideological position?
He does not like anything to do with corruption and values the freedom of the press he hold quite a middle ideological position but mainly to do with morals and appears to be on the left side of the spectrum.

5) What is Dacre’s view on BBC news?
He claims it be quite dominant in the press and says that it has crippled the commercial radio, distorted the free market and internet newspapers.

6) Look at the right-hand side of page 4. Why is the editor of a newspaper so important?
It is important because the way the information is presented has a impact on the circulation and revenue of the news. The effect of the individual producers is considered and it is important to consider the editorial control and editor as a result.

7) Why did Guardian journalist Tim Adams describe Dacre as the most dangerous man in Britain? What example stories does Adams refer to?

Dacre is seen to be dangerous by Tim Adams as he is seen to be anti liberal and  claims that gay people and drug takers were sympathetically portrayed, "welfare state misfits" were described as victims, and Enoch Powell's warnings about immigration were scorned. His view dominated the Daily mail worldview.

8) How does the Daily Mail cover the issue of immigration? What representations are created in this coverage?
--> they see immigration as the evil that is destroying the countries values and bringing threats to the country suchas 'rapists and thugs'. These negative representations create fear in consumers to believe that remainers in the UK are creating society where dangerous people can enter freely.

9) How did the Daily Mail cover the murder of MP Jo Cox?

-->Her killer was a Britain First advocate with a history of rage against multicultural Britain. they reported he was a loner with a history of mental illness so that it didn't look like they were outing a group that supported them.

10) What was Dacre’s position on Brexit?

--> He was for Brexit and wantted to leave.


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