Task One: Media Magazine article and questions

Read the Media Magazine article: From Local Press to National Regulator in MM56 (p55). You'll find the article in our Media Magazine archive here. Once you've read the article, answer the following questions:

1) Keith Perch used to edit the Leicester Mercury. How many staff did it have at its peak and where does Perch see the paper in 10 years' time?

-->At the Leicester Mercury paper the amount of staff it had employed at its peak was 130. In 10 years time Keith Perch says he expect to it will weekly be extremely expensive and have a very small circulation online.

2) How does Perch view the phone hacking scandal?

--> Keith Perch claims that many newspapers where caught up in the scandal that shoudlnt have been. This meant that it should have been taken legally so that all newspapers wouldnt be affected when it comes to revenue. He believed that this form of regulation is unacceptable because each journalist chooses to report something different so all journalist shouldn't be hold accountable. 

3) What does IPSO stand for and how does it work?

-->IPSO stands for Independent Press Standard Organisation. They work by ordering any newspaper to print front page apologies to people it has disrespected or has told any false information about. A paper has 28 days to deal with a complaint. If it hasn't been resolved the complaint can be taken to the IPSO complaint committee which decide if the editor code of practice has been broken.

4) What is Perch's view of newspaper ownership?

--> Perch's view on newspaper everyone should be able to read any type of newspaper they want and should allowed big conglomerate and dominant companies to choose what they should read. He claims that The Sun and The Guardian have the most audience reviews and have the majority of the audiences compared to small companies.

5) Do you agree with his view that broadcast news should have less regulation so that TV channels can support particular political parties or people?

-->On the one hand I agree with the statement that broadcast news should have less regulation because it will allow news to report freely with no control. Furthermore, Less regulations allows broadcast news to be less biased when it comes to the political and current affairs. Another reason why, it allows small business to generate some revenue and gain an audience.


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