Learner Response

Your learner response is as follows:

Create a new blog post on your Media 1 Exam blog called 'Newspapers assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: Good clear writing, focus well on the question.
EBI: You need a better understanding of statutory regulation.
2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify three potential points that you could have made in your Question 3 answer - the i newspaper standing for "quality, clarity and independence".

  1. Successful in its own terms- provides a print product that has  succeeded in the digital age since it start and launched in 2010. It now remains profitable and is owned by Johnston press.
  2. All Stories are generally presented with balance. For example, in the one of the articles it  states There's a May and ' The Salzbury disaster'. The front page is balanced with double  paged spread inside. This includes analysis column acknowledging the difficulty of her job.
  3. Clarity is achieved through clean design- like a website image heavy, with stories which are short and easy to digest within the daily commute.

3) Now use the mark scheme to identify three potential points that you could have made in your Question 4 answer - arguments against statutory regulation of the newspaper industry.

  1. The importance of a free press is essential for a healthy democracy. The government influence over the newspaper industry is a corruption of that democratic ideaIl. 
  2. IPSO is more powerful than the PCC and can fine newspapers and force them to post front page corrections and apologises. The Daily Mail has been told to do this quite a few times because of the type of stories it has published. For example the Stephen Lawrence murder strory which accused an innocent man of murder.
  3. Newspapers have to be free to pursue investigative journalism. Clay Shirky describes news as a social good that is vital for democracy.

4) Now use the mark scheme to identify three potential points that you could have made in your Question 5 answer - whether the pluralist model allows the newspaper industry to operate effectively.

  1. Generally, newspaper ownership and control is limited to a small number of super rich individuals. This shows the newspaper industry is controlled by the elite.
  2. Curran and Seaton argued that audiences need to be empowered if they want to operate effectively. This is seem as questionable in the newspaper industry. Mail online is driven by audience clicks rather then editorials and gatekeepers. This does significant harm to the industry  because there news is based on click bait rather than real views.
  3. In terms of values and ideologies. The daily mail promotes a right wing approach when it's comes to there stories. The I news has a left wing approach compared to the daily mail. However, they consider themselves to have neutral approach when it comes to there values and ideologies.
5) Finally, look over your mark, teacher comments and the mark scheme - plus your answers to the task above - to write a complete essay plan for Question 5. 

Explain Plurism and how the theorist provide use it and there views on Plurism. Explain the points that are going to be given in he essay 

I agree:

You can either use something similar to your actual answer or alternatively start from scratch. Make sure it is an extensive, detailed plan focused on the question (Curran & Seaton, pluralism and how effective the newspaper industry operates) and make sure you include specific references to the CSPs - the i and Daily Mail/MailOnline. Aim for around five paragraphs in total and make sure you cover both sides of the argument to some extent.


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