Jah9: “I Didn’t Plan To Be An Artist"

  • Summarise the story in your own words: is this is an example of hard news or soft news?
--> This story is about a Jamaican artist whose gain viewers and support very quickly and has gain herself a huge following. Furthermore, she carries on saying that she is surprised by the amount of support and following she is getting. She claims her music is poetry and she only sings what she feels is important to her. This is an example of soft news because it not political based and is more here for entertainment because it is about music.
  • Explain how or why this story appeals to an audience (use media terminology and theory here).
--> This audience appeals you can apply to this is Blumler and Katz uses and gratifications theory. Surveillance is part you link to this story because it provide information on how she is taking is immediate success; she staying humble and not forgetting about her roots and where she is from. Furthermore, you could add on that it links to personal identity because her poetry/music is about her roots and where she is from and how she grew up. Therefore, this could help other form a sense of identity and connect with there roots.
  • Comment on the story: to what extent does it reflect the values and ideologies of the website? Is this an example of quality journalism or simply click bait
--> This is an example of quality journalism because it has all the key concepts. Furthermore, you could say that it goes into so much detail about the singers life and how she got to where is now. This reflects the value and ideologies of the website because they created this website to give black people a voice and shows black people in a positive light. 


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