Dalton Harris Win Improves X-Factor Ratings
- Summarise the story in your own words: is this is an example of hard news or soft news?
--> This is story is about the 2018 X-Factor winner Dalton Harris. He went against a Anthony Russell and Scarlett Lee and won by over 5.2 million voters. This is an example of soft news as it is promoting information on an upcoming artist within the music industry and his developing success
- Explain how or why this story appeals to an audience (use media terminology and theory here).
--> The audience appeal that can be applied to this story is Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory. Surveillance is one of them because it provides information about the winner of x factor and what will happen to his career from now on wards. You could also say personal identity because it can inspire people to work hard for they're dreams.
- Comment on the story: to what extent does it reflect the values and ideologies of the website? Is this an example of quality journalism or simply click bait?
-->This is a example of quality journalism because it's something that national people would generally be interested in. Furthermore, you could say that the news value that could be used is familiarity because something that Britain is used to because its an event that happens every year.This does reflect the ideologies and values of the website because it represents black people.
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